The Toyota WayMcGraw-Hill
350 pages
6 Mb

How to speed up business processes, improve quality, and cut costs in any industryIn factories around the world, Toyota consistently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer, while using fewer man-hours, less on-hand inventory, and half the floor space of its competitors. The Toyota Way is the first book for a general audience that explains the management principles and business philosophy behind Toyota's worldwide reputation for quality and reliability.Complete with profiles of organizations that have successfully adopted Toyota's principles, this book shows managers in every industry how to improve business processes by:* Eliminating wasted time and resources * Building quality into workplace systems * Finding low-cost but reliable alternatives to expensive new technology * Producing in small quantities * Turning every employee into a quality control inspector

Essentials of Balanced Scorecard

Download DescriptionBalanced scorecard is a widely recognised and accepted performance measurement tool that is currently used in thousands of organisations around the world. This book will help to implement the organisations' balanced scorecard strategies into action by defining performance objectives, measures, and targets in four linked and balanced perspectives: Financial, Customer, Internal Process, and Employee Learning and Growth.

* Explains what balanced scorecard is and addresses the challenges and solutions for its implementation.

* Addresses the concerns of the mid to small corporation as well as the emerging business

* Each chapter provides tips and techniques as well as real world examples
From the Back CoverFull of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real—world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in balanced scorecard.

\"This book provides the executive with a balanced view of the motivation, leadership, process, and technology required to enable Balanced Scorecard. Filled with examples and insights, it is a must—read.

\"--;John V. HarkerChairman and CEO, InFocus Corporation\"Balanced Scorecard can be a challenge to implement, especially in small companies. This book has mastered the art of communicating how to do it successfully in both small and large businesses as well as in government. Rich with content--;yet simple to read, understand, and, most importantly, implement--;this book makes Balanced Scorecard understandable and relevant to creating success.

\"--;Patrick M. CoxChairman and CEO, Qsent, Inc.About the AuthorMOHAN NAIR is CEO of Emerge Inc., an advisory firm focused on strategy and corporate performance management. Identified as an \"adventure capitalist,

\" Nair has founded two companies, a venture capital firm, and has taken high—profile executive roles in four high—technology companies. Most recently, Nair served as Director, President, and Chief Operating Officer of ABC Technologies. He serves on several nonprofit boards including the AeA. For seven years, he taught as an adjunct professor at J.L. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University of Chicago, and his articles have appeared in numerous publications including Byte Magazine, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, and The Journal of Cost and Performance Management. A highly requested speaker, Nair has been profiled or quoted in Forbes, Industry Week, Business Finance, and CNBC—Asia. He is the author of Activity—based Information Systems: An Executive’s Guide to Implementation (Wiley).

link aqui: scorecard

Gestion de RR.HH - Ministerio de Salud

La presente Unidad, pretende explicar, de la manera más clara posible por qué los recursos humanos constituyen la columna vertebral en el éxito de las organizaciones. Para ello, presentamos a tu consideración tres enfoques diferentes pero, con la misma conclusión: el personal de una organización es el que le otorga vida y le permite cumplir su misión.
Del equipo humano que forman todos los trabajadores que integran una organización, adquieren vital importancia aquellas personas que tienen la alta responsabilidad de la conducción de los recursos humanos; nos estamos refiriendo a los jefes, administradores, gerentes, directores, etc.
Es necesario que los directivos, actualmente en actividad, así como aquellos que en el futuro alcancen una posición de dirección, cuenten con una identidad, motivación, vocación de servicio y preparación adecuada que les permita asegurar el éxito en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Es importante comprender el rol del jefe y los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes asociados al cargo. En otras palabras, es conveniente que conozcan las características y competencias del líder. Todo directivo debe conocer los enfoques y procesos de cambio relacionados con la
gestión de los recursos humanos que se vienen aplicando en las organizaciones de
éxito en el mundo.
Finalmente,, y para complementar tú formación de jefe líder, debes conocer las políticas y procesos de gestión propios de recursos humanos, y dentro de ellos, las que son aplicables a la realidad de tu establecimiento de salud.
Link aqui: recursosH

Comportamiento Organizacional - Eduardo Amorós

Comportamiento Organizacional
En Busca del Desarrollo de Ventajas Competitivas

Link aqui: organizacional


SUMARIO I. El análisis de los Estados Financieros

II. Análisis de la estructura patrimonial
III. Análisis de la liquidez y solvencia
IV. El fondo de maniobra. El capital de trabajo y la situación de tesorería
V. Los fondos generados por las operaciones. El cash-flow. La autofinanciación
VI. Estado de origen y aplicación de fondos. Cuadro de financiamiento
VII. Análisis del resultado económico de las operaciones
link aqui: financiero

Obstaculos y Palancas para Pymes

Utilizando herramientas y conceptos de cuatro premios Nóbel: H. Simon –1978–, D. North –1993–, Amartya Sen –1999–, y Akerlof, Spence y Stiglitz –2001–, y recurriendo a un amplio abanico de ideas provenientes de diversas disciplinas y actividades (desde el catedrático José Nun hasta el empresario Gustavo Grobocopatel), el autor define el conjunto de obstáculos que enfrentan las pymes en su desarrollo y focaliza su atención en cuatro factores: el ambiente de negocios, las estrategias nacionales de desarrollo, las alternativas de financiación y los impuestos, proponiendo, a su vez, para cada uno de ellos, palancas que contribuyan a la tarea de superarlos.

Linkde descarga: PYMES